LVC Contracting is a Minneapolis based firm offering engineering, construction, integration and simulation services to clients across multiple sectors in the commercial, industrial, military and education markets. The company specializes in the design, manufacture and installation of fire protection, electronic security and communications systems as well as building automation. The company serves a range of national clients and maintains regional offices in northern and eastern Minnesota, western Wisconsin, and Phoenix, Arizona.
The LVC training environment prepares joint and coalition warfighters LVC Contracting for any pacing challenge. It includes the use of a simulated adversary, contested logistics problem sets and dedicated mission command cells that operate concurrently with the execution of the exercise. The DMOC will also demonstrate the use of condition-based authorities and the ability to link tactical C2 units.
Rockwell Collins and CAE are using High-Level Architecture and Distributed Interactive Simulation networking protocols to connect their simulation and computing systems to conduct the demonstration. These systems include L-29 aircraft simulators linked to the university’s operator performance laboratory and to other air force and naval combat system simulators, as well as desktop trainers for remotely piloted aircraft and naval platforms.
The first emergence of La Via Campesina was in Latin America, where the Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo (CLOC) was established to give voice to peasant movements in international fora. The Chilean activist Francisca Pancha Rodriguez, a member of CLOC and ANAMURI, represents this spirit of the Latin American first emergence. Pancha participates in local, national congresses that gather proposals and debate issues to be brought to the continental level for articulation within CLOC and ANAMURI.
At the continental level, a coordinating body is elected every five years to represent the articulations of CLOC and ANAMURI. The delegates are selected from national congresses that receive proposals from the continental and sub-regional articulations. This system of democratic federation gives grassroots participants the power to decide on LVC’s direction.
Nevertheless, criticism of the movement persists. Orthodox Marxists argue that it is class-blind, romanticises the notion of a socially undifferentiated homogeneous peasant population and is dedicated to restorative political struggles that aim to return to the past. Others claim that agroecology is naive and will not feed the world’s hungry and that its focus on rural and indigenous communities ignores structural economic problems and discrimination against women and youth. The movement’s ideological pluralism has become its greatest strength. It brings the question of capitalism to the forefront of the political discussion. It also makes space for alternative systemic alternatives such as food sovereignty. This puts it in direct competition with the global market capitalist system. It is an anticapitalist and anti-imperialist movement, while also striving for a new system. In this sense, it is a revolutionary political project with the potential to achieve success.