InventHelp is a website devoted to helping inventors, developers, and business professionals in the United States patent their ideas. InventHelp was established to help those in need with the patent process. InventHelp was created by a group of technical college students, who felt the need to make an accessible site for inventors to research their inventions.
InventHelp provides you with access to a large database of patents. This database will help you determine if your invention is legally patentable. InventHelp has designed its interface so that you can easily browse through the different types of patents available to determine if your invention meets the criteria for a patent. Additionally, InventHelp will refer you to a patent specialist to give an initial patent search and analysis.
If you are looking for an attorney, you will be able to find one at InventHelp as well. When you register an account with InventHelp, you will have access to a large number of attorneys who specialize in the area of patents. When you create a profile on InventHelp, you can include a list of your inventions, along with a description of the invention and any relevant information that would help you decide whether your idea is patentable.
Many inventors start their search for a patent by searching the Inventors Patent List. However, this list can be somewhat limited. InventHelp will provide you with access to a much larger database. Additionally, inventors may register an “application” with InventHelp after they complete their initial registration with the USPTO, but before they begin their search for a patent.
Once you submit an application to InventHelp, you will receive a patent referral from them, which allows you to continue to pursue your invention until it becomes an issue under the law. The inventorship process involves sending your invention to the InventHelp staff for review. This review process allows InventHelp to determine whether there are any issues with the submission of your invention.
The majority of people submitting their inventions to InventHelp are attempting to protect their originality from being infringed upon. There are two ways that InventHelp staff can help you do this, as outlined in the “patent Legal Examination” portion of this article. In order to obtain full protection from the PTO, however, you should only submit your invention to InventHelp if you are certain that it would not infringe upon any others. In the case that your invention would infringe upon another’s patent, InventHelp will assist in seeking a court case to determine whether the originalusness of your invention was infringed.